We’ve teamed up with Twickets, to get you the best deal if you need to resell or buy a ‘resale’ ticket
We recognise that sometimes tickets to your favourite show can sell out very quickly. We know the frustration of not being able to get tickets to your favourite band, especially when tickets start popping up on other websites for extortionate prices. But sometimes genuine fans can’t go and that means you could get another shot to find tickets. But, to make sure you’re never paying over the odds, we’ve partnered with an ethical secondary ticketing agency (that means no touts), Twickets.
Here’s the really good news… the tickets will not be overpriced. Twickets tickets are sold at face value or less. Amen to that.
We’re the first agent to partner with Twickets, in a bid to ensure that you’re protected against the growing number of ticket touts and secondary ticketing websites making obscene profits out of live music fans and artists.
If we’re sold out for any event, we will search the Twickets’ website for you to see if there are tickets available on their fan sharing platform. We will do all the leg work for you, to make your life easier!
And, if you can’t make a gig or show (boooo) you can sell your ticket to a real fan, so they don’t have to pay more than face value either.